Hello Danielle,
I appreciate your vivid description of Jay and the issues that she faces in her special class. It seems that her separation from her peers in fourth grade has affected her ability to focus on her reading in the special class. Learning with first-graders seems to affect her motivation, and she is acting up with her teachers and parents at home. I agree that an individualized Education Program (IEP) is the most suitable approach to assess her needs and the consequent adoption of strategies to meet them. The design of an IEP should bring together all the critical players in Jay’s life, including her parents, peers, children in the first-grade reading level and special education specialist. This allows for a collaborative approach to the design of the customized learning program, taking into account Jay’s input.
I learned critical components from Snow’s Revolutionary Common Sense presentations. While going through Jay’s case, I had already assumed that her anger towards her special education teachers, parents, and a sibling at home could be linked to her being placed in a first-grade reading stage. I learned that asking her questions could lead to more insights on the issues contributing to such reactions (Snow, 2010). From Snow’s presentations on the ‘Can-List,’ I felt the need for special educators to evaluate children’s interests, hobbies and capabilities and consequently focus on growing them to exhibit their value in the lives of the children with exceptionalities.
Snow, K (2010). The can-list, Revolutionary Common Sense. Retrieved January 23rd, 2022.
Hello Lisamarie,
You clearly describe what seems to be affecting Jay and resulting in increased aggressiveness towards her special needs teachers, siblings, and parents. It seems that she has been separated from her peers, which results in increased demotivation for learning as exhibited by disinterest in some aspects of learning. These include anger when teachers play toddler songs or read Sesame Street Series for Jay. Creating a Can-list would be the most suitable plan allowing for the integration of such programs of interest to her schedule and building these aspects of her life.
I appreciate your emphasis on collaboration between the various stakeholders in designing an individualized Education Program that meets Jay’s needs. Inclusion of the learner, her parents, special education teachers and ordinary course teachers is vital in gaining deeper insights regarding the learner’s capabilities and learning gaps and supporting the adoption of the most suitable strategies to achieve learning objectives. Asking questions during such sessions is vital for eliminating assumptions and promoting an understanding of the various aspects of Jay’s behavior for informed decision-making (Snow, 2011). I am glad to have learned lessons from the case. While dealing with students with exceptional needs, I will apply these concepts to promote individualized education to meet students’ learning goals with diverse interests and capabilities.
Snow, Kathie. (2011) “Ask—Don’t Assume .” Disability Is Natural.

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