There will be three parts to this assignment in the following order:
1. Dialogue
2. Analysis of Characters
3. Annotated Bibliography
Provide headings for each element of the assignment.
Length: 6-8 pages
Format: APA: Title Page/ Header/ 12 point font/ double space/ indentations/two citations
Directions: You are to create a dialogue of a social issue that interests you. You are engaging in an argument about the issue. There should be exactly three characters taking part in the argument. You can have two characters involved in the argument trying to convince one other participant. You are in control of the effectiveness of your argument and ideas. It should be clear to your audience what the main argument is and the end needs to offer some type of resolution. Be creative as possible. Your dialogue can consist of dialect. You may also find it necessary to offer narration throughout the argument.
Analysis of Characters
Directions: For this portion of the assignment you are to provide an analysis of each character. Review pages 689-706 in your text. As you are reviewing your dialogue it is important to categorize or classify the characters because they will fit a mode when it comes to argument. Use third person point of view only for this portion of the assignment.
There are three categories that you are to use in classifying your characters:
1. Accord
2. Neutral
3. Resistance
Provide an explanation for each classification.
Annotated Bibliography
Directions: Locate two credible (preferably from the online library) sources on the social issue being discussed and create an annotated bibliography for the source. There should be at least five sentences for each annotation. You have to cite two times for each source provided. Below I have provided an example of how the annotated bibliography has to be set up. Eliminate contractions and only use the third person point of view.
Kuo, A. A., Etzel, R. A., Chilton, L. A., Watson, C., Gorski, P. A. (2012). Primary care
pediatrics and public health: Meeting the needs of today’s children. American Journal of
Public Health, 102 (12), E 17- E 23.
This article takes a look at the number of children suffering from illnesses like asthma and obesity (Kuo, Etzel, Clinton, Watson,