Authors Craft in Everyday Use by Alice Walker

In the realm of literature, authors employ various techniques to communicate their ideas, evoke emotions, and captivate readers. Alice Walker, a renowned American writer, masterfully wields her pen in the short story “Everyday Use,” where she delves into the complexities of heritage, identity, and the clash between modernity and tradition. Through meticulous crafting, Walker brings her characters to life, creates a vivid setting, and employs symbolism to explore profound themes. This essay will explore the author’s craft in “Everyday Use,” highlighting her use of characterization, setting, and symbolism to convey a powerful message about the significance of heritage.
Characterization: Portraying Depth and Complexity
One of the key elements in “Everyday Use” is the skillful characterization that Alice Walker employs to breathe life into her protagonists. The characters in the story are multifaceted, and their distinct personalities mirror the conflicting ideologies that drive the plot forward. The two sisters, Maggie and Dee, are portrayed with striking contrasts that reflect their differing perspectives on their family’s heritage. Maggie’s shy and reserved nature, stemming from the scars of a past house fire, signifies her deep connection to her roots. In contrast, Dee’s urban education and newfound identity as “Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo” exemplify her desire to break free from the limitations of her impoverished upbringing.
Walker’s use of dialect and dialogue further enriches the characterization, granting the characters a distinctive voice that resonates with their backgrounds. This technique enables readers to glean insights into the characters’ emotions and motives, making them more relatable and believable. The author’s meticulous attention to character development allows readers to comprehend the internal conflicts each character faces as they grapple with their heritage and personal aspirations.
Setting: A World of Symbolism
The setting in “Everyday Use” serves as a powerful backdrop that reinforces the story’s themes and adds layers of symbolism. Walker masterfully weaves the rural, humble environment of the Johnson family’s home into the narrative, contrasting it with the urban lifestyle Dee has adopted. The rural setting symbolizes tradition, roots, and the deep-seated history of the Johnson family. The yard, for instance, is described as “not just a yard. It is like an extended living room,” underscoring the emotional attachment the family has to their land. This setting functions as a metaphor for the characters’ connection to their heritage and serves as a touchstone for their identity.
In contrast, Dee’s urban life represents the pursuit of individualism and a detachment from her family’s past. Her desire to possess family heirlooms, such as the quilts, becomes a pivotal moment in the story. The quilts, made from scraps of clothing worn by generations of family members, symbolize the intergenerational legacy and collective memory. The debate over the quilts serves as a microcosm of the larger conflict between valuing heritage and using it for personal gain, highlighting the tension between Dee’s materialistic view of the quilts and Maggie’s understanding of their historical significance.
Symbolism: Layers of Meaning
Alice Walker’s use of symbolism in “Everyday Use” deepens the narrative’s thematic exploration. Beyond the quilts, other symbols abound, adding richness to the story’s subtext. For instance, the butter churn becomes a symbol of manual labor and tradition. When Dee expresses a desire to use it as a decoration, her mother, Mrs. Johnson, retorts that “there are just some things I don’t understand” – a poignant reflection of the generational gap and differing values.
Furthermore, the character of Maggie symbolizes resilience and a quiet strength derived from embracing one’s heritage. Her name itself, derived from the word “magma,” evokes a sense of hidden power beneath the surface. Her attachment to the family’s traditions and the scars on her body serve as a visual testament to her endurance.
Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” is a masterclass in authorial craftsmanship, wherein she artfully weaves together characterization, setting, and symbolism to convey a poignant message about the importance of heritage and identity. Through the multifaceted characters, the vivid setting, and the layers of symbolism, Walker brings to life a story that resonates with readers on a universal level. The conflicts within the narrative mirror societal tensions between modernization and tradition, personal gain and collective memory. As readers, we are invited to reflect on our own relationship with heritage and consider how the choices we make shape our understanding of self. Walker’s narrative acumen in “Everyday Use” reminds us of the power of literature to not only entertain but also provoke profound contemplation.

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