Balancing The Triple Constraints Essay

Balancing The Triple Constraints Essay
Assignment 3 Balancing the Triple Constraints Essay
Let’s take a typical project after the creation of the fully populated schedule. At this point, you have a budget (the total of your variable and fixed costs). You also have a scope (which is the set of tasks and activities detailed in your plan), and you have your schedule (your time line).
In the project you are doing for our course project assignment, you may be fine in terms of the scheduled dates and the budget dollars, and your implied scope, or you may see real problems as compared to your initial ideas.
However, in any case, let’s take a generic scenario and assume there are issues with balancing scope, schedule, and budget (and essentially ubiquitous situation). With appropriate references to our texts or other refereed sources (because you did not invent any of the ways that we handle these kinds of issues) explain what the triple constraints are, how they interrelate, the issues associated with balancing them, and the techniques often applied to correct such imbalances during project execution. The focus of your essay should mainly be on what you do about the inevitable imbalances.
If you do have over allocated resources in your personal project, this research may help you with resolving that next week (you don’t have to be concerned about at this week).
· Use the template named “add your name here- Balancing the Triple Constraints Essay” for you essay.
· AT LEAST three pages (not counting cover page and reference page)
· Formatting:
o Double-space (no additional space between paragraphs)
o One-inch margins
o Times Roman12-point font size
o Left justified
· Appropriate references to refereed sources using appropriate APA format (there is simply no way you can write an essay on the triple constraints without references to second party sources).
· At least two different reference sources are required.
· Point value 25 points
· NOTE: You can have your essay reviewed and critiqued via our “Smarthinking” tutoring service prior to submission for a grade, and I highly recommend you do – BOTH for the general writing AND your use of APA formatting. In the course shell, at Course Home select the Tutor Source link, then click on the Smarthinking link embedded in the Smarthinking Virtual Tutorial paragraph. They can really help you out!

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