Causes And Treatment Of Complications

Complications can follow transplantation in the recipient for some reasons. Noted first that the extraction and transplantation of vital organs require major surgery. In addition, the person suffering from organ failure may be in poor health and should also take immunosuppressants. Some complications are light and other more serious; some last a short time, while others are more chronic. Depending on the outcome of the surgery, the receiver usually stays a week in the hospital after the surgury. During this period, the transplant team closely monitors his status and tests to ensure that the new body works well and there are no serious complications. Note that a longer hospital stay may be necessary. As is the case with any surgery, there…show more content…
Mainly responsible for this phenomenon are antigens, antibodies and T cells to understand this, we must know that the surface of our cells are present molecules called antigens HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen). These arrangements allow T cells to differentiate foreign agents (transplant, bacteria, viruses.) From our own cells. Each individual has HLA antigens of its own. Thus the probability of two individuals with identical HLA antigens is exceptionally low and compatibility between donor is never 100%. Once the graft cells identified as not belonging to one ‘s own body, causing a reaction cascade antibody secretion and proliferation of killer cells (T lymphocytes), which infiltrate and destroy graft. The intensity of the immune response depends on the recipient and the nature of the tissues. The transplantation of an organ is always accompanied by an immune system of the recipient organism. This response results in the rejection of the organ. The analysis of mechanisms of this reaction permits the development of molecules avoiding its occurrence. These molecules are designed to decrease the immune system and are therefore classified as immunosuppressants. Three types of releases are distinguished:  
– Hyper acute rejection: This type of rejection occurs within hours of transplantation, as well after kidney transplants, heart or liver. This reaction is manifested by thrombosis of vessels supplying the graft, which in fact is necrosis. This type of rejection

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