Choose a start-up, innovative business, or the organization that you currently work for to analyze and write a case study about.Using the provided template, present the case study that is organized as

Choose a start-up, innovative business, or the organization that you currently work for to analyze and write a case study about.Using the provided template, present the case study that is organized as follows: a. Title- come up with a catchy title for this case study to pique the reader’s interest. b. Executive Summary- 1-2 paragraphs summarizing what your case study is about c. Introduction to the Business- 1-2 paragraphs that provide background information about what this business is, does and how it got started.  d. Need- write 2-3 paragraphs about how this business filled a need in the market and changed its industry. e. Marketing, Social Media and Client Management- research and report back about what this business is doing to innovate in terms of marketing, social media and client management. This section should be 3-4 paragraphs in length f. Performance/Results- report about how this business has excelled (or missed the mark in certain areas) and what their results have been. This section should be 2-3 paragraphs in length and should include specific data/key metrics to demonstrate their results.  g. Recommendations- What high-level recommendations would you suggest for this business moving forward (enhance social media presence, streamline processes, build customer base, introduce new products, etc.) 2-3 paragraphs h. Key Takeaways- What have you learned from the hits or misses of this business that you can apply to your own organization. 2-3 paragraphs References- must be included in the form of a reference page (APA format suggested) Formatting Requirements for this assignment are as follows:  Typed in a Word document • Double spaced using font size 12 • References must be included in the form of a reference page (APA format suggested) • Include a cover page with your name, assignment and course title, and the date.  • Your analysis should be no more than 8 pages in length (excluding the cover page and references).
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