Create tic-tac-toe wo graphics api in raptor flowchart

Without using the Graphics API In Raptor Programming software could you please create a tic-tac-toe program that allows two to three players using a two dimensional string array with three rows and three columns as the board. Attach this as a raptor flowchart file.
Each element of the arrays should be initialized with an asterisk. Rules: Displays the contents of the board array Allows player 1 to select a location on the board for an X. The program should ask the user to enter the row and column number. Allows player 2 to select a location on the board for an O. The program should ask the user to enter the row and column number. Determines whether a player has won or if a tie has occurred. If a player has won, the program should declare that player the winner and end. If a tie has occurred, the program should say so and end. Player 1 wins when there are three Xs in a row on the game board. Player 2 wins when there are three Os in a row on the game board. The winning Xs or Ox can appear in a row, in a column, or diagonally across the board. A tie occurs when all of the locations on the board are full, but there is no winner.

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