Cultural intelligence is described as important for global businesses to develop and be successful beyond borders. Assignment 1 is an article review of global communication. Read a magazine article ab

Cultural intelligence is described as important for global businesses to develop and be successful beyond borders.Assignment 1 is an article review of global communication. Read a magazine article about a global business that includes issues about cross-cultural differences. Use the following online sources for an article:Bloomberg—Europe EditionLinks to an external site.Bloomberg—Asia EditionLinks to an external site.Bloomberg—Middle East EditionLinks to an external site.Bloomberg—Africa EditionLinks to an external site.Time—BusinessLinks to an external site.After reading an article about global business, address the following:Article information: article name, source, date/edition, pages, web addressSummary: a short summary of the article (one half-page)Cultural lessons: one paragraph that describes one or two aspects of culture that are illustrated by the article

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