Educ 812 quiz 5 | Education homework help

1. Generally speaking, statistical control using ANCOVA is as powerful as using experimental control in dealing with confounding participant characteristics
2. A quasi experimental study was performed to assess the effects of different types of models for aggressive behavior on spontaneously occurring aggressive behavior in children.  A baseline measure of aggressiveness was obtained for each child prior to treatment.  Children were non-randomly assigned to the three treatment groups and participants in each group saw a film with a different type of aggressive actor.  Group 1 saw an aggressive cartoon animal, participants in Group 2 saw a human female, and participants in Group 3 saw a human male. The assumption of Homogeneity of Slopes was tested, F(2,18) = .349,  p = .71. Was the assumption tenable?
3. A researcher collected data on married couples to see whether counseling helps marital satisfaction. Each married couple filled out a pretest that measured their level of marital satisfaction. The researcher randomly assigned the couples to either a control group or a marital counseling group. At the end of six months the couples filled out a posttest that measured their level of marital satisfaction. What is the best analysis for this study?
4. When reporting the “adjusted means” of an ANCOVA, you should also report their corresponding:
5. What is a quantitative measure of some pre-existing participant characteristic (such as body weight, anxiety, motivation, mental ability, or baseline heart rate) that may differ between groups prior to the administration of any interventions or treatments?
6. Why is ANCOVA often used in situations that involve nonequivalent control groups?
7. What information is needed to assess whether scores on the covariate X are strongly linearly related to Y (the dependent variable)?
8. Interpret the effect size ( η2) for the ANCOVA: F(2, 57) = 7.9,  p = .001, partial η2 = .43.
9. Prior to conducting an ANCOVA, the researcher conducted assumption testing. The assumption of Linearity was conducted between the treatment group’s pretest and posttest scores using a scatter plot. The scatter plot showed a curvilinear relationship. Was the assumption tenable?
10. Prior to conducting an ANCOVA, the researcher conducted assumption testing. The assumption of Normality (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) was conducted on the treatment group’s posttest were (p = .68). Was the assumption tenable?
11. Which is not a reason for using ANCOVA:
12. An ANCOVA makes the assumption that the slope that relates scores on Y to scores on Xc is equal (homogenous) across the groups compared in the study.  The slope that is used to adjust Y outcome scores is essentially the pooled or averaged regression slope to predict Y from Xc, separately at each level of the A treatment factor.  If the slope that relates Y to Xc is actually different across levels of the A treatment variable, then it does not make sense to average the slopes together across groups and to use the same slope to make a correction within each group.  What is this assumption called?
13. Prior to conducting an ANCOVA, the researcher conducted assumption testing. The assumption of homogeneity of variances was tested , Levene’s Test, F(2, 432) = .45, p = .08. Was the assumption tenable?
14. An experimental study was performed to assess the effects of different types of teaching models of creativity on pre-school children. A pretest/posttest measure of creativity was obtained during the experiment. Children were randomly assigned to treatment group 1, treatment group 2, or a control group. Results of the ANCOVA were reported as F(2, 57) = 7.9,  p = .001, partial η2 = .43. Should Post Hoc analysis be conducted?
15. The primary goal of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) is to:  
EDUC 812 Quiz 1
EDUC 812 Quiz 2
EDUC 812 Quiz 3
EDUC 812 Quiz 4
EDUC 812 Quiz 5
EDUC 812 Quiz 6
EDUC 812 Quiz 7
EDUC 812 Final Exam

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