Equity valuation | Accounting homework help

 Use data from Yahoo!Finance, Google Finance, Bloomberg, the company’s annual report, and other public data to complete the following.   
Assignment: Using the Bloomberg Equity Valuation example, complete the following tasks for the target company and its competitors.    
SUMMARY REPORT MUST INCLUDE (narrative with supporting charts and graphs; no more than 10 pages):  
(1)  Executive Summary (5 pts). (Total of 1 page) (2)  Overview of Companies (20 pts). Summarize the following (No more than 3 pages): a) Each company’s market share or market position in the industry/sector. b) Each company’s stock performance  c) Analyst’s Opinion on Buy or Sell  d) Your recommendation and rationale about your assigned company’s future outlook  (3)  Stock Price Trend (20 pts). One page per company  a. Create a graph of the monthly stock prices for your assigned company compared to the S

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