Global Health Challenge

Social Science homework help: Health care and public health systems on the impact of health outcomes on a global health challenge
The topic for this assignment is listed below:
Climate change
This essay describes and compares the organization, structure, function and financing of health care and public health systems using examples from different countries and how this impacts health outcomes for a selected global health challenge. Learning outcomes assessed by this assessment task:
1. Describe measures of the global burden of disease and global health disparities
2. Describe and characterize a range of transnational and global public health challenges
3. Describe the role of international agencies and how these articulate with national agencies to address global health challenges through coordinated global health action
4. Explain how social, economic and environmental determinants of health impact on global health challenges
5. Explain the impact of globalization on global burden of disease and injury
6. Identify and critically evaluate the health system and health policy levers that can be used to improve health outcomes in developing (low and middle income) countries
7. Demonstrate an awareness of intercultural and ethical issues in responding to global health challenges
Assessment task Choose a global public health challenge, this can be the same as the one you selected for the assignment on “Evaluate the role of international and local agencies” but not the same topic for the group presentation on “Determinants of a global health challenge, impact of globalization and recommended strategies”.
Write a 2000 word essay which includes the following:
• describe the global public health challenge
• context/scope of the global public health challenge
• compare the organization, structure, function and financing of health care and public health systems in countries with different income categories
• you may like to consider policy, organizational structure, economic support, staffing, facilities, supplies, preventive services, regulation
• discuss how these differences in health care and public health systems impacts health outcomes for a selected global health challenge.
Essay format
Write this assignment in essay format, using headings and paragraphs, with structured sentences. Provide an engaging title that reflects your topic, and your reference list should include sources from peer-reviewed journal articles or government/academic reports.
You may use either the Vancouver (numbering) or Harvard (author-date) referencing style and reference list.
Word count
Include a word count for your assignment. The word limit is 2000 words. Please note that reference lists and headings are not included in the word count. If you use the Harvard referencing style, the citations of authors and dates in text are included in the word count. The same applies with Vancouver referencing, the citation numbers in text are included in the word count.

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