Imagine that you are working at an agency that serves victims of domestic violence. You have been asked by the agency’s clinical director to create a trauma-informed care therapy program for victims

Imagine that you are working at an agency that serves victims of domestic violence. You have been asked by the agency’s clinical director to create a trauma-informed care therapy program for victims of domestic violence.Write a 700-1,050-word essay describing the program you would want to create. Address the following in your essay:Describe how you would do a needs assessment to determine the need for such a program. Would you use quantitative or qualitative tools? Why? What tool would you use to measure the outcome of the program? Would you use a quantitative or a qualitative tool? Why? Research one trauma-informed care intervention you would recommend to the clinical director and evaluate its effectiveness. Discuss its validity and reliability as an intervention. Was the research conducted based on quantitative or qualitative measures?Include a minimum of three scholarly resources in your essay.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.USE OUR CLASS TEXT AS ONE OF YOUR REFERENCES: (If it applies)Sheperis, C., Young, J.,

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