Impact of ICT on the marketing of the hospitality sector

. Impact of ICT on the marketing of the hospitality sector
2.1. Customer relationship management 
Customer relationship management refers to the practises, principles and guidelines to interact with customers as well as provide their high-quality services as a marketing strategy (Dewnarain et al., 2019). Customer relationship management is a part of ICT marketing in the hospitality industry that makes the customers satisfied with the proper interaction and services (Talón-Ballestero et al., 2018.). The hospitality industry is famous for high-quality services in which they have used with the help of technologies for marketing purposes. The entire relationship enhances the direct interaction with the customers that provide services like analysis of customer behaviour and trends, possessions related to services and sales. This service delivers an overall high-quality experience to the customers that increases competitive advantages. In this industry, they made strategies to provide services in order to have a strong competitive edge in which they manage external interaction with their customers to get customer satisfaction (Adiyanto, 2021). This major area of CRM technology has advantages, such as cloud computing, software and artificial intelligence. Proper infrastructure in hotels with accurate technological backgrounds attracts customers in which they have spent time to get that service. The CRM influences the positive experiences of customers in order to keep them getting back in their hotel and create an estimation of the growing base of returning customers. This approach helps in resolving global vision about the knowledge of customers in order to achieve efficient customer interaction (Guerola-Navarro et al., 2021). The CRM software collects information of customers in one place in order to provide easy access to data such as purchase history, contact data and use it for their marketing purposes. The CRM cloud provides real-time data to sales clients or agents and increases accessibility to eliminate complex installation processes. The CRM artificial intelligence increases the decision-making process and gets to know about market trends as well as customer behaviour in order to provide services based on the requirements of the customers. 
The CRM has multiple opportunities that put every required thing in one place as well as allow employees to make an effective contribution to their efforts and be more productive by focusing on the needs of customers and prospects. As it is a scalable solution for the hospitality industry, it helps to meet specific needs and make personal interactions to make time investments. It also evaluates data mining processes in order to get sales reports and discover benefits in order to provide customer loyalty and customer satisfaction (Juanamasta 
et al.,

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