Individual Strengths and Problem-Solving Techniques Paper

Individual Assignment:
This two-part assignment enables you to reflect on your individual strengths and problem-solving skills as they apply to the group process and decision making.
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper formatted according to APA guidelines, and include a minimum of two references. The paper must be organized according to the following categories:
Part 1: Individual Strengths and the Group Process
Describe a group setting or scenario in which you have worked or of which you are currently a part.
What are the strengths and skills that you have brought to this group setting? How have they benefited the group?
Are there any drawbacks your strengths and skills have brought to the group? Describe how they have affected the group.
How have other group members strengths and skills affected the group process?
What are some skills you could improve on to foster a more ? How can you improve these skills?
Part 2: and
What do you know or use regularly?
How do your techniques influence group decisions?
What other problem solving techniques could you use when ?
What can you do to develop or improve your problem solving techniques?

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