Information technology skills appropriate to interdisciplinary studies

Ashford 2: – Week 1 – Post Your Introduction
Post Your Introduction
Before writing your introduction, review the five learning outcomes for this course:
Apply ethics and moral reasoning to academic knowledge and societal concerns.
Apply the principles of critical thinking to contemporary issues.
Exhibit clear communication skills through investigative research and writing.
Utilize information technology skills appropriate to interdisciplinary studies.
Articulate the responsibility of global citizenship and multicultural understanding with regard to academic and professional pursuits.
After reviewing the five learning outcomes, post an introduction in which you
Identify three out of five skills or competencies you have acquired through participation in that will help you strive to meet your academic and .
Describe your three chosen skills and explain which activities, assignments, or you acquire them.
Your initial post is due on Day 1. Respond to at least three of your classmates before Day 7. Use the forum to get acquainted and for on-going, .

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