
Q1. Assume yourself to be a cost manager of ARAMCO and you are in the task of Cost Classifications. Explain how the following costs would help you as cost manager to make decision. (2 Marks)
1. Product Vs Period Cost
2. Prime Vs Conversion Cost
3. Committed Vs Discretionary Cost
Q2: A fresh graduate employed as an accountant of a manufacturing company and is working on over applied and under applied overheads.
Explain how you would assist him/her in computing over applied and under applied overheads. Give numerical examples (2 Marks)
Q3. Explain Equivalent Units of Production and its computation using weighted average method and FIFO method. (2 Marks)
Q4a. ‘Cost Structure and Profit Stability’ is one of the most import strategy of a corporations. Explain how managers, maintain cost structure for stability in profit during both good and bad years.

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