Metformin Extended-Release Oral Solution. Clinical Diabetes

Metformin Prescription
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Rational description of the drug prescription.

The scenario is diagnosing a patient with type two diabetes. Metformin is usually used on patients when the initial recommended course of action has failed. The initial recommendations for this type of the disease are exercise and a good diet for the patient. Metformin is also recommended to the patient due to the fact that the A1c of the patient is at eight during the time of diagnosis, which is lower than the required amount of 9% (Ridderstrale, 2018). The prescription strength of metformin is 500mg; this is because the blood sugar level of the patient is slightly high at 150 mg/dL, which is higher than the normal, which should be at 140 mg/dL. The strength is to be used in lowering the amount of insulin in the body of the patient.
The amount given for this drug is one tab since one cannot take more than 2000 mg in a day. The drug is taken in 1 tablet since the patient is supposed to swallow it with a glass of water without crushing, chewing or breaking it. The route for metformin is by mouth because the oral tablet is taken with a combination of exercise and diet (Jia et al., 2019). Metformin is usually taken by mouth to reduce the side effects that it brings to the stomach; this is to reduce the GI upset. The frequency of taking 500 mg is usually set to be taken twice a day since it is better to be slow with the dosage and see results (Satterwhite, 2021). The 500 mg is to be taken during the morning and evening meals since they are taken together. The prescription dispensed is sixty since this drug is for a thirty-day supply and is supposed to be taken twice in a day which is thirty multiplied by two to get sixty. Furthermore, there is not going to be a refill of the drug.
2. A 30-day prescription of metformin; below is the written prescription of the drug indicating all the required information.
Patient’s Name: John White
Date of Birth: 10/01/1982
Medication                                                     Strength
Metformin                                                                   500 mg
Amount                                  Route                                      Frequency
1 tab                            by mouth (PO)                                                B.I.D (twice a day)

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