MGT 3319 Management Theory and Practice

MGT 3319 Management Theory and Practice
Course : MGT 3319: Management Theory and Practice
Module 2: Corporate Social Responsibility Analysis
Guidelines and Rubric
Now that you have looked at a company (Theo Chocolate) from an ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) perspective, it is time for you to apply what you have learned as you investigate a company of your choice. Analyzing the ethics and CSR of a company is a skill that will prepare you for a career in management. It is a process you may find useful as you look at companies for potential career opportunities in the future, or you might be charged with developing the CSR and ethical approach to doing business for the company you work for someday. This assignment will provide an opportunity for you to practice this process.
For this assignment, you will identify a company to research from an ethics and CSR perspective. You will use their company website and reliable news sources from the past decade to do a thorough analysis of the company’s state of ethics and approach to CSR. You will develop your thoughts about the research you gather to write a well-developed short paper.
Directions:Be sure to address the following critical elements in your short paper:
Identify what the company is doing to consider the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit)
Describe any recent or current ethical situations facing the company, as referenced in reliable news sources such as the Wall Street​ Journal​, the ​New York Times​, ​Forbes​, ​Inc.​, NPR, the​Washington Post​, etc.
Assess how focused the company is on each of the three elements in the triple bottom line—for example, is this CSR initiative or mission very visible or is it buried within the website? Sometimes the location of the CSR mission can be an indication of how they prioritize people versus profit versus planet.
Choose one of the approaches below and explain how you would categorize the company on the pyramid or continuum of CSR approaches. Why? Support your position with your perspective and/or indicators from your research.
Approach 1: ​Criteria of Corporate Social Performance pyramid from Exhibit 5.5 in Chapter 5 of the textbook (economic, legal, ethical, or discretionary/philanthropic)
Criteria of Corporate Social Performance (Exhibit 5.5)

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