Modern And Capable Armed Forces

Maintaining modern and capable armed forces is not an easy task. One of the most important tasks for a country, state and society is to defend itself against attackers and other threats. Military force, as Clausewitz made explicit, is not an end in itself and it only has meaning in relation to the future desired political landscape. When internal political institutions function normally, the wielders of sovereign power are the natural arbiters of last resort among competing interests and values in the policy, including the subordination of the military to the highest political authorities.  
Armed Forces of a country should be designed to fulfil all tasks given to them from political authorities. Each country develops its armed forces based on specific conditions and requirements drawn from national security policy and as stated in national security and national defense strategies. National security strategy is aimed to enhance the safety of the nation’s economic, social and political institutions against different threats. Strategies also deal with complex and diverse security challenges, like proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, climate change and migrations. To accomplish and safeguard their own security, states are trying to depend on national resources and also through the various international organizations and alliances.  
Defense policy covers the military domain and involves quantitative issues of the size, recruitment and supply of the military forces,

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