Order hypertension and osteoporosis discussion

Order hypertension and osteoporosis discussion
nocturia on average three times per
night. Her past medical history includes
depression, hypertension and osteoporosis. She is taking numerous medications.
On examination, she has a soft systolic
heart murmur, there is mild bilateral
ankle oedema and her chest and abdominal examinations are unremarkable. Her
body mass index is calculated as 27 kg/
m2. Which of the following medications
could be exacerbating her nocturia?
A. amlodipine
B. calcium and vitamin D supplement
C. indapamide
D. mirtazapine
E. ramipril
Question 139
A 78-year-old woman complains of
having to get up four or five times each
night to pass urine. On three occasions
she has fallen overnight while trying to
get out of bed. Which of the following
lifestyle interventions is most likely to
be beneficial for nocturia?
A. avoid caffeinated drinks in the hour
before bedtime
B. elevate oedematous legs in the evenings
C. increase dietary salt intake
D. reduce total daily fluid intake
E. stop drinking alcohol in the hour
before bedtime
Question 140
A 70-year-old woman complains
of nocturia, having to get up to pass
urine four or five times every night.
She has been looking on the internet for something that might help and
asks you about desmopressin. Which
of the following statements regarding
desmopressin use for nocturia is most
likely to be correct?
A. a reduction of two to three nocturia
episodes per night is expected
B. an extension of sleep time before the
first nocturia episode of around one
hour is expected
C. daytime fluid intake should be
increased while taking it
D. hypernatraemia occurs in 5% to 10%
of people
E. it has to be administered as a nasal
Question 141
An 89-year-old woman is admitted
following a fall. She has been taking 15
regular medications per day for a range
of comorbidities. One of her medications is mirabegron, which has been
prescribed for urge urinary incontinence
episodes. Which of the following is true
of mirabegron?
A. cognitive side effects are similar to
anticholinergic drugs
B. discontinuation rates at 12 months are
around 30% in real-life studies
C. orthostatic hypotension occurs in 5%
to 10% of people
D. safety has been demonstrated in frail
older people
E. the average reduction in incontinence
episodes is smaller than with anticholinergic drugs
Question 142
A 93-year-old man lives alone in a
ground floor flat. He normally mobilises independently with a four-wheeled
walker the short distances around his
property. His medical history includes
hypertension, ischaemic heart disease

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