Order Of Stakeholder Analysis Help

Order Of Stakeholder Analysis Help
The second deliverable, addressed to City of Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther, will include a one-page memo describing the process and results of a stakeholder analysis, and conclude with recommendations for prioritizing strategic engagement with stakeholder groups / organizations around the Columbus Police Department (CPD) policing reform initiative you identified in deliverable 1. Memo attachments will include: 1) an annotated list of stakeholder groups / organizations affected by the policing reform initiative, and 2) a map of these stakeholder groups / organizations on a power versus interest grid.
· Develop and apply critical analysis skills by identifying and analyzing stakeholder groups affected by a police reform issue.
· Make connections between case study materials and other course content.
· Demonstrate effective research skills.
· Demonstrate effective professional written communication skills.
Step 1 – Conduct a Stakeholder Analysis
Identify 10-12 stakeholder groups and/or organizations affected by the CPD reform issue you chose in deliverable 1. In a word document, create an annotated list with bulleted headings that includes the name of the stakeholder group and/or organization and their website (if relevant).
Elements to include in your annotated list of stakeholders:
· Heading such as Attachment: Annotated List of Stakeholders
· List of 10-12 stakeholder groups and/or organizations affected by the CPD reform issue you have chosen and their website (if relevant)
· Under each bulleted stakeholder group and/or organization, provide a 3-4 sentence description of the group that includes their interest in your reform issue (how much would they be affected by decisions about the issue), and their political and/or economic power to influence decisions about the issue.
Then, use the power versus interest grid template below to map each group onto the grid. The stakeholder list and power versus interest grid will be, respectively, Attachments 1 and 2 to your memo. Label your attachments appropriately.
Step 2 – Memo to Mayor Ginther presenting findings and recommendations
In a separate document, write a memo addressed to City of Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther. Your memo should briefly describe the process you went through to conduct a stakeholder analysis before presenting your findings. It should end with a recommendation for prioritizing and engaging stakeholders. For example, stakeholder groups that have high power and high interest will probably proactively engage in the decision-making process. Other stakeholder groups may have high interest but low power, so it might take more initiative on the part of the City to engage them in the reform process. Their engagement, however, might be important to redress historical injustices.
Support your analysis and recommendation for prioritizing and engaging stakeholders by citing at least 2 course materials and at least 4 additional sources identified through your own research (inclusive of stakeholder websites). Ensure that you provide your reader with enough information about the sources you cite so that they understand how they support your recommendations and analysis.
Elements to include in your memo:
· Your memo should be one-page, single-spaced, 1-inch margin, 12- point Times New Roman font
· Professional memo heading
· Executive summary of one short paragraph describing your research/analysis process and findings and explicitly stating your recommendations for prioritizing and engaging stakeholders.
· Analysis section presenting describing your research/analysis process and findings in more detail.
· Recommendation section that explicitly states your recommendations for prioritizing and engaging stakeholders.
· References
· You will cite all sources from your memo and annotated bibliography using APA format.
Step 3 – Combine your memo and attachments into a single document and submit
The final document should include (in this order):
· The memo
· The annotated list of stakeholder groups/organizations affected by the police organization reform issue
· The map of stakeholder groups/ organizations on a power versus interest grid
· Sample Memos (note that the assignment description was slightly different, but these examples will give you a sense of my expectations for quality work).

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