Pluralist Perspective On Sex And Sexuality

Sex and Sexuality: Understanding the complexity of the subject from plural perspectives
Sex and sexuality are very broad and complex subjects in the American society, as they are in many jurisdictions. Sex and sexuality are intertwined to mainstream societal discourses such as morality and ethics, law, justice and punishment religious and public policy matters. Sex and sexuality is fast becoming a very complicated, controversial and complex subject in our contemporary society, perhaps understanding sex and sexuality from a pluralistic perspective will be a better and more pragmatic approach to deal with the related controversies on the topic.
Adopting a pluralistic approach can be beneficial to the society in many ways. First and foremost, it is quite disturbing that sex and sexuality is one of the subject caught up within the perimeter of hate crimes in the United States. Understanding sex and sexuality in the American society is from pluralistic perspective is crucial because, discrimination and attacks on vulnerable individuals on the account of their sexual orientation will be minimized, if the issues around sex and sexuality are taken seriously and understood by many from plural perspectives.  
Sex and sexual education is the provenance of understanding sex and sexuality from plural perspective. Should sex education be made mandatory to teenagers in middle and in the high schools and why? It is understandable that not every individual will support the idea that teenagers should be taught sex education in schools, but the truth is that our kids are better off with knowledge than being ignorant and I will explain my reason for this.
Moral decadence in our society and among the youths, is growing at an alarming and exponential rate. It is factual, that many kids these days are susceptible to engaging in sex in their earlier ages and are sexually active than kids from the older generation. Kids of this generation are sexually active than the older generation because, they are exposed to materials with sexual heavy sexual contents before they become of age.  
Indeed, the exposure of many teenagers to materials with heavy sexual contents when they have little knowledge about sex can be devastating and put

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