Policy assisnment | Education homework help

 Section Two: Description and Analysis of a Policy that Addresses the Social Problem  Identify one existing State or Federal legislative policy that has been ratified to address the problem.

Describe the goals of the policy.
Describe the legislative history of the policy? When did the policy originate and how (law, court decision, executive order, etc.)?
Describe the policy including as relevant:

Who will be covered by the policy and what are the criteria for inclusion?
What are the social programs, interventions, or regulations that have (or will be) implemented as a result of the policy?
Does the social policy you are discussing align with Biblical principles or is it in conflict with God’s word? Please cite scripture(s) to support your claim.
Identify who administers the policy (e.g. non-profit, government agency, etc.)

Which NASW Code of Ethics values are consistent with this policy?
Are there side effects or unintended outcomes of the policy that are likely to cause other social problems? Please describe at least one.
In your research, did you identify any barriers to full implementation of the policy (e.g. lack of funding, resistance from State, politics)? If so, please explain.

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