Presentation | Economics homework help

MACROECONOMICSExpected contents should include:
-Introduction and context
-Description of policies pursued
-Critique of policies
-Alternative policies
Contents should relate concepts learned in class to the real world scenario.
Presentation Topics (to be assigned randomly):
-American response to the 2008 recession
-European response to the 2011 crisis
-Trump’s response to US trade deficit with China
-Turkey’s response to rising inflation (2021-2022)
-Greek responses to government debt crisis (c. 2010-2018)
-Chinese policies to increase exports (2000-2010)
-Rwandan policies to increase long term economic growth (2000-present)
-Botswanan policies to increase long term economic growth (2000-present)
Time: Between 15 and 25 minutes
Text alignment: Justified.

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