Psychoanalytic Approach Neo‑Freudian Theory

Psychoanalytic Approach Neo‑Freudian Theory
For Week 3, we focus on The Psychoanalytic Approach: Neo‑Freudian Theory, Application, Assessment and Research. In preparation for this week’s work, please read chapters 5 and 6 of the course textbook. As you review this material, focus on the following topics and supplemental material:
Limits and Liabilities of Freudian Theory (Links to an external site.)Neo Freudians (Links to an external site.)
Alfred Adler (Links to an external site.), the first psychoanalyst to break with Freud (including parental influence on personality development and birth order) and a comparison of Freud and Adler (Links to an external site.)
Carl Jung (Links to an external site.)(including the Collective Unconscious, Some Important Archetypes, Evidence for the Collective Unconscious)
Erik Erikson (Links to an external site.)‘s Personality Development throughout the Life Cycle and Basic Trust versus Mistrust including: Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt, Initiative versus Guilt, Industry versus Inferiority, Identity versus Role Confusion, Intimacy versus Isolation, Generativity versus Stagnation, and Ego Integrity versus Despair
Karen Horney (Links to an external site.)(Neurosis, Moving Toward People, Moving Against People, Moving Away From People and Feminine Psychology
Psychoanalytic Theory and Religion (Links to an external site.)
Assessment via Personal Narratives (Links to an external site.) and Measuring Personality with Personal Narratives (Links to an external site.)
Neo Freudians (Links to an external site.)
Strengths and Criticisms of Neo-Freudian Theories (Links to an external site.)
Anxiety and Coping Strategies (Links to an external site.)including: Coping with Anxiety, Types of Coping Strategies [ Problem-Focused Strategies, Emotion-Focused Strategies, ] How Effective Are Coping Strategies?, and Coping Flexibility
Psychoanalytic Concepts and Aggression including:Frustration and Aggression (Links to an external site.), Displacing Aggression (Links to an external site.), and Catharsis and Aggression (Links to an external site.)
Attachment Style (Links to an external site.) and Adult Relationships including: Object Relations Theory and Attachment Theory (Links to an external site.), Adult Attachment Styles (Links to an external site.), Alternate Models and Measurement, Attachment Style and Romantic Relationships
Identify one Neo-Freudian thinker discussed in the course text.
Compare and contrast this scholar’s views with Freud’s theories.
Explain whether you agree with the views of the identified Neo-Freudian scholar or Freud, and why?
Next, substantially respond to at least two other posts.
Describe a recent issue you [or another person] faced [or are now facing]. No names please! Call this person “Person X” for the purpose of confidentiality
Please consider given our current state of affairs to write about the impact of a timely topic such as COVID/the pandemic, racial inequities, civil unrest or political divisiveness.
Identify some of the ways that you/the person coped with the issue you identified
Classify each coping strategy as a problem-focused strategy, an emotion-focused strategy or an avoidance strategy [as described in the course text)
Describe the effectiveness of each of these strategies
Define the term “anxiety” and identify whether this issue or the strategies applied to the identified issue led to anxiety, and why.

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