Reflection on contribution to the research or project field or host organization

Reflection on contribution to the research or project field or host organization 
The quality of the secondary data and methods used in my research report reflection is closely related to the answers to the research questions. Consequently, these difficulties were effectively addressed by carefully evaluating the validity of secondary data sources and evaluating alternative methodologies. Also, my first meeting with the project mentor was mainly on the same subject. The most reliable secondary data sources for research reports are published financial statements and annual reports,  financial and management analysis textbooks, information posted on the company’s official website, communication published on the Think Pacific website, and various business journals. And the newspaper that came out as a result of careful analysis. Meanwhile, the research method was selected in consideration of the reliability of the data analysis method and the relevance to the research question. Financial ratios and analytical tools were chosen for inclusion in the research report after spending more time identifying good skills and considering the mentor’s advice on the Fijian Islands.
The financial and accounting indicators were profitability, liquidity, financial position, and investor ratio, and the analysis tools were  SWOT, PESTLE, and Porter’s five force analysis. To sum up this part, I can say that all research questions in my research report have been answered correctly thanks to secondary data gathered from authoritative sources, the methodology used to conduct the research, and a critical discussion of the findings. I have demonstrated my interpersonal and communication skills at various stages of doing Research reports and preparing for and making the presentation. Moreover, without my interpersonal and communication skills completing the Research Report and doing the production would have proved to be highly challenging. 
For example, my listening skills have proved to be highly valuable in terms of understanding vital information given by my mentor about increasing the quality of my Research Report because this advice was fully understood and implemented into the Practice. My interpersonal skills had also played a positive role when I asked some of my trusted colleagues to be an audience when I was rehearsing my presentation. I was making presentations in front of my colleagues and was asking for their opinions about the quality of my presentation. This exercise has been applied several times in different environments, and following this strategy has improved the quality and grades of your presentations.
However, my communication skills were critical to a successful presentation. My experience in academia and beyond has taught me that communication skills are essential for success in my personal and professional life. 

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