Self-Inventory Summary: Attitudes and Beliefs about Group Leadership in the Initial Stage

Complete questions 1-8 of the Self Inventory summarize your responses.

Part ii: The initial stage


directions: Complete this brief self-inventory before viewing the initial stage of the group. The purpose of the self-inventory is to help you identify and clarify your attitudes and beliefs about a variety of group process concepts, techniques, and issues in group leadership. The statements on the inventory are not simply right or wrong, true or false. The point is to get you in an active frame of mind as you watch and reflect on the video and as you complete the workbook activities. Decide the degree to which you agree or disagree with these statements. Then, after viewing this segment, look over your responses to see whether you want to modify them in any way. These self-inventories will help you express your views and will prepare you to actively read and think about the ideas you’ll encounter in this self-study program.

Using the following code, write next to each statement the number of the response that most closely reflects your viewpoint:

5 = I strongly agree with this statement.

4 = I agree, in most respects, with this statement.

3 = I am undecided in my opinion about this statement.

2 = I disagree, in most respects, with this statement.

1 = I strongly disagree with this statement.

I already answered the self Inventory now summarize my response:

___5__ 1. It is absolutely necessary to conduct a careful screening process for the groups I will lead.

__5___ 2. If at all possible, I would arrange for a pre-group meeting for orientation purposes.

__3___ 3. In a well-conducted group, there are really no psychological risks for the group participants.

__5__ 4. As a group leader, it is my job to establish ground rules for the participants.

__5__ 5. Confidentiality is one of the most basic issues that need to be addressed early in the course of a group.

__5__ 6. A major function of leaders during the initial stage is to assist members in formulating concrete and personal goals.

_3__ 7. To create an accepting climate, I’d engage in a fair degree of self-disclosure.

__3___ 8. In general, there are more advantages than disadvantages to using a co-leadership model in a group.

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