Stages Of Strategic Management Assignment

Stages Of Strategic Management Assignment
You have been hired as a university professor teaching a master’s level course on strategic planning and innovation. Your first lecture or presentation to the class covers the following topics:
Select a publicly held company that you believe your students will find interesting. Log on to the company’s corporate website to learn how this company engages in strategic management. Keep in mind that larger, more formal companies will have more information available on their strategic management processes. Perform a keyword search of the following terms on the corporate website of the company that you have selected:
Strategic management/planning
Strategy formulation
Strategy implementation
Strategy evaluation
On the corporate website, look for the most current Form 10K and review this form. If you have any difficulty finding the Form 10K on the corporate website, you can use a search through your preferred search engine using both the company’s name and “Form 10K” in the search criteria.
Prepare a well-developed presentation discussing how this company engages in the three stages of strategic management. Provide as much of the following information as possible:
Give specific examples of how the company formulates strategic decisions.
Give specific examples of how the company implements strategic decisions.
Give specific examples of how the company evaluates strategic decisions.
Give specific examples of whether or how the company relies on innovation strategies.
Are the three stages of strategic management process separated and well defined within the company?
When creating your presentation (Using PowerPoint, Prezi, or other presentation software), be sure to follow these guidelines:
8-10 slides in length, plus a title page and reference page.
Include speaker’s notes containing 50-100 words per slide.
Incorporate graphics and other multimedia.
Be formatted according to the Writing

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