Strategic Change Management

 Strategic Change Management
Strategic Change Management (MGMT672-1901B-01)Unit 2 – Discussion Board Assignment OverviewAssignment:  Unit 2 – Discussion BoardType:  Discussion BoardPoints Possible: 75Points Earned: Deliverable Length: 600 word essay plus a minimum View objectives for this assignmentAssignment Description Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.Now that you are in charge of a significant function as the vice president (VP) of corporate organizational development that helps the organization to move in new strategic directions, you are being challenged. You have change programs in various stages of implementation at a large number of the 60 companies in your portfolio. Some of the companies are doing quite well, and others are stalling or are nonresponsive to the change initiatives that are being implemented. Several of the line managers are asking why some changes are having more success than others.You have a feeling that there is resistance that is taking place, and you want to roll out some new concepts and ideas to help the leaders of these companies handle this resistance. A number of these same leaders have asked you for a proposal that would help them understand the phenomenon and perhaps create action plans to address these issues. Discuss the following:What are      the applicable models and strategies? What are      at least 3 specific recommended steps that can be taken in the present      situation described above? What would      the cost of these steps be in time and money? What might      an action plan include that could serve as a template for future action      plans? You should have at least 2 credible sources, and your work should be done using APA formatting.
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