Strategy Evaluation Paper Delta Airlines

Strategy Evaluation Paper Delta Airlines
The purpose of this assignment is for the student to learn about Fortune 500 companies in key sectors of the U.S. economy. You will choose one company from the list provided by the instructor for this assignment. Your task is to research the industry/sector and the company and describe key parameters of the industry and the chosen company’s marketing strategies – from the recent past and near future.
Your paper will be 6-7 pages in length and will contain a bibliography listing sources. The paper will contain information on the following aspects:
1. Industry description, including performance, future outlook, products and markets, major competitors and key statistics
2. Company history and current performance (including sales, market share/position and other metrics)
3. Analysis of 5 “C”s based on their relevance at this time
4. STP framework for the company (for the major SBU if the company is too diversified)
5. Description of 4 Ps for the company/SBU including proposed products, channels etc …
6. Evaluation of marketing strategies (your assessment of their strategies and tactics) and recommendations
Emphasis must be placed on items 4-6 (about 4 pages) in the paper. The paper must be original and in your own words. While you use information from various sources, they must be properly cited and plagiarism avoided. To help you with the research process, the following VSU library resources are recommended: will take you to the various resources available through the library. For carrying out the INDUSTRY ANALYSIS, CLICK on IBIS WORLD, then enter the INDUSTRY NAME (EXAMPLE: Aerospace, Movie

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