The biggest role of an information system

Decision-Making Role
From the module, I realized that the biggest role of an information system is its contribution to decision-making. The business environment is often competitive, and the type of decisions made remains to be the best determinant of the final performance. So, businesses today have started incorporating technology in decision-making. With information systems, viable strategic plans and decisions are made, and they are essential in ensuring the prosperity of businesses. Information systems analyses and evaluate information from different sources and compare alternatives to find the most effective approach. Kamariotou and Kitsios (2019, p.539) argue that businesses normally have a dilemma in selecting an effective strategy from a pool of alternatives. The management often ends up choosing the wrong approach due to a lack of vigorous evaluation of the alternatives. So, information systems should be used in business to resolve this issue. IS also analyses the market trends to help companies to find the best strategies to implement in response to the rising market competition. In a nutshell, companies that employ information systems in decision-making have a record of better performance resulting from proper decision-making. 

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