The Common Core State Standards

Common Core, these two words have come to mean more, in the past four years, than two words with no similarities. 43 out of 50 states are signed on to the Common Core State Standards as of now (Khadaroo). This paper will review the good, the bad and the alternatives to the Common Core, from the eyes of a student that is affected by these standards everyday. Through researching this topic, it has become apparent that the common core has good intentions, however bad implementations.  
Forty Percent of high school graduates are currently taking remedial courses. “The goal of the new standards and tests is to improve on these abysmal stats.” States have varied in how quickly and aggressively they have implements the CCSS*. Reading score have improved by 1.1 points since 2011 (Loveless). Arne Duncan, United States Secretary of Education and parent, has stated that “American Schools are changing, because the world is changing.” The positive claims for the common core include that it represents a set of smarter standards, implies a student centered teaching and can level the playing field for many students (Strauss).   Tracy Scott, South Dakota High School English and Spanish teacher in a personal interview declared that “Anytime there is a focus on curriculum, it is important to have a focus, CC is a good focus. Yeah.” On November 29th, 2010, the SD Board of Education moved to adopt the Common Core State Standards (Common Core State Standards). The Common Core entitles standards to

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