The Convergence Of Science

Distinguished scientist and Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Charles Townes, united two similar goals within the categories of religion and science (Powell, 2005).  United by similar goals, Townes articulated that science seeks to discern the laws and order within our universe (Powell, 2005).  Moreover, when referenced religion, Townes, referred readers to the understanding that the universe’s purpose and meaning, along with how humankind fits into both aspects (Powell, 2005).  
Townes explored the area of convergence between science and religion for many years (Powell, 2005).  During the year 1966, Townes’ first article published in IBM’s Think magazine clarified Townes’ point of view related to the parallels between religion and science (Powell, 2005).  In addition, Townes argued that scientific and religious thought was far from conflicting (Powell, 2005).  Furthermore, that today we are finding more and more in common between the two categories, which Townes believes were ultimately destined to merge (Townes, 1966).  
“The Convergence of Science and Religion” by Charles H. Townes shows that science and religion are different in many ways.  Overall, their foundations are based on different principles such as in belief versus evidence.  In his work “The Convergence of Science and Religion”, Townes (1966) initially shows the fact that science and religion are related by observing that both are universal and have superficial differences.  
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