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Generation Y attributes
Generation Y Marketing
Generation Y represents one of the most lucrative markets today, and comprises approximatley100 million 20-year-olds across the country. These professionals are one of the fastest growing groups to enter the workforce, are college educated and grew up in a competitive environment in fun certain economic times. The size of this demographic and its high achieving potential make it one of the most sought after markets. In order to tap into this generation’s access to predominantly white-collar jobs and salaries, it is imperative that marketers understand its values and characteristics, which are quite distinct from other generations.
One of the principle characteristics of Generation Y is its technological savvy. These professionals were raised alongside the internet, make a point to obtain the latest technological gadgets and are continuously in contact with the world around them. Technology plays a large part of their lives, from daily communication to assistance in their personal and professional engagements. They are used to exceedingly high quantities of information provided by mobile devices. They are also well acquainted with multi-tasking, and frequently blur the line between work and pleasure as their plethora of Blackberries, smartphones and iPads keeps them in constant communication with professionals, families and friends alike.
The instant access and gratification provided by advanced technology has rendered this generation one of the more demanding and ambitious generations of its day. These professionals have high expectations for their jobs and expect short-term satisfaction ton par with the rapid rate of information they internalize and disseminate. As a result, Generation Y is more autonomous and cynical than other generations, and feels a sense of entitlement towards success — which they are willing to pay for.

5-2 Discussion: Reflecting on Your Decision-Making Style
An important step in making better decisions is learning about yourself and acknowledging bad decisions you have made. While you shouldn’t dwell on past mistakes, you can learn significant lessons from unsuccessful experiences. Effective leaders are not afraid to take responsibility for plans that didn’t work out and take steps to make things better.
In this discussion, think about a time you have made a poor decision for a group. Think about a decision you have made that impacted your family, colleagues, friends, or community. In your initial post, address the following:

Explain how you would be most likely to teach that or a similar concept on the Gaga article in the attachments. Respond to the following: What did you like about it?

Which principles of behavior and related theories of behavior analysis were involved? Was the instructional approach effective? Why or why not? Use two other articles to support. Use APA formatting for references.

On a spreadsheet should have 20 “height” values listed below, along with my height of 64 inches as the “x” value. And then remember, you’re going to find the mean and the sample standard deviation. Give us a background. People that you chose maybe come up with an Excel spreadsheet. Where do you have? You don’t have to give names like personal information, but you could do gender, age, location. And then of course, let us know their heights. How did you choose your participants?

Was it a systematic sampling method, was a convenience?

What is a job order cost system?

Describe a situation in which you would use job order cost information.

What type of information is useful in making your decision?

Accounting and Financial Statements
The purpose of accounting is to provide managers with the information they need to evaluate the liquidity of an organization. The balance sheet, income statements, statement of owner’s equity, and statement of cash flows are financial statements that provide a basis on which managers, investors and creditors can make decisions. Of the four financial statements only the balance sheet, whose amounts are carried over from year to year, is considered to be a permanent statement. The income statement, statement of owners’ equity, and statement of cash flows close out at the end of each fiscal year and are considered temporary. David Kurtz (2010) describes each of the four financial statements and their individual purpose.
The Balance Sheet

Poor elderly are a vulnerable population in all communities. Specific factors that have contributed to this factor constitute ageism, namely the way that elderly are generally stereotypes as deserving of less social respect and undeserving of social support. In American society in particular, and in western society in general, youth is glorified and monetary success considered, whether erroneously or not, to equivocate happiness. The fact is that an elderly person who is wealthy might well receive the best of treatment. It is the combination of age and poverty with poverty dominating that spells rejection and, sometimes, premature death, deprivation, and suffering.



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