The research explores the TAM model (Technology Acceptance Model).

The research explores the TAM model (Technology Acceptance Model). The model argues that the factor that determine whether potential users will agree to test out a computer system are the positive perception of ease of usefulness (PEOU) and perceived of usefulness (PU). However, the study includes design features (DF) and enjoyment (ENJ) as factors that influence potential consumers acceptance of a technology. The study examines the influence of these four independent variables on e-satisfaction and e-retention among e-learning students in UAE. PEOU increases e-satisfaction as it promotes positive perception and attitude that encourage students to actively engage in e-learning. PU also increases student participation in e-learning because they believe it is helpful from their academic success and professional development. DF generate interest and promote e-satisfaction. ENJ promote interest which has a positive impact of e-satisfaction. Similarly PEOU, PU, DF and ENJ have positive impacts on e-retention as satisfaction facilitate loyalty which promotes retention. 

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