The danger is a threat of suffering or being hurt. Sending a text message in a vehicle is one of the most dangerous scenarios. Accidents are coursed through chatting since the driver will not be focused on the road. What is your experience of chatting while driving, and what dangers do you think can accrue to the people who still chat in vehicles regardless of the dangers? 
Traveling is everyone’s pleasure and part of people’s leisure. Most people view traveling as a hobby and tour the world through road trips and choosing to work or learn in distant places. What do you think can make your travel abroad frequently?
Social media is common recently, and people have shared their stories and lifestyles on social media, especially Instagram. People post pictures of places and staff they do every day. How frequently do you post pictures, and what hinders you from posting many pictures on Instagram?
The quality of an item depends greatly on the company’s reputation and its size. The bigger and more popular the company, the highest the quality of their products. What do you think about the quality of the big boxes shop compared to the local shops?
The phone’s performance determines the number of sales the phone accrues. People choose phones according to price and performance, and every person views their taste differently. What are the advantages of an iPhone to android?
Candy is widely used especially, sweets. They bring a lot of health problems but tend to be a stimulant to others. How has the consumption of sweets affected your health recently?
Staffs on sale are usually cheaper than the staff with a fixed price. Products on sale are usually second-hand products, and thus the selling price is lower than the original buying price. What are the disadvantages of purchasing goods that are on sale?
It is important to ask the correct questions to ensure that they are well understood. The correct answer to a question is dependent on the structure of the question in general. Asking questions in the right ways gives a broad answer to the question. When a question is a closed question, the answer is a yes or no, which is not satisfying. Open questions are the correct way of asking questions where the answers tend to bring out a lot of information on the given topic. The answer also contains the general expression of the party involved and can thus reflect the whole point.

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