The Stage For The Rise Of Civilization

Discuss how the Neolithic Revolution set the stage for the rise of civilization.
The Neolithic Revolution began in 10000 BC. It set the stage for the rise of civilization because they shifted from hunting and gathering to agriculture and settlement, and the domestication of animals. During this period, they had fertile land in the Fertile Crescent making it easy to plant and grow crops. Growing crops then led to permanent settlements and domestication of animals because they didn’t have to move around to hunt and gather food. The
Neolithic Revolution set the stage for the rise of civilization because these permanent settlements led to villages, then cities, and then the first civilizations like Mesopotamia. Overall, this period set the stage for the rise of civilization.
-Egyptian history is divided into three major periods, the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and
New Kingdom. List the major accomplishments and events that occurred during these periods.
The Old, Middle, and New kingdom were very important times in Egypt history. The Old
Kingdom started about 2700 BC. This time period was known as “The Age of Pyramids” because this is when they made the first pyramids. The Pharaoh Khufu built The Great Pyramid in Giza. The Middle Kingdom started about 2000 BC and this time period was called “The period of Reunification”. They built many temples and religious buildings and was a time of
Lu 2 great art and literature. The New Kingdom started around 1600 BC and was known as when

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