Theories and perspectives of the types and forms of police corruption

Theories and perspectives of the types and forms of police corruption
The most popular theory that explains police corruption is the rotten apple theory. This theory is relevant as it focuses on failing people, providing convenient scapegoats, and the fears of dealing with difficult situations (Ivković et al., 2019). This theory describes police as isolated beings (rotten apple) who escape detection at the time of selection and screening, and they are always seen as having fatal character and personality flaws. The idea of one spoiled apple leading to the spoilage of the whole crate is the idea that this theory tries to explain. Most police officers have the features of corruption because of what they learned from their friends who they saw performing it. Instead of police officers protecting individuals, they want to be paid so that they can offer what the government pays them to deliver (Ivković et al., 2019). Police find it very interesting as it is an easy way to acquire payment through corruption with no toiling, moiling, or even sweating. When individuals decide to report them, their seniors are also the same as their juniors, the worse than their juniors. This makes it challenging to end the issue of police corruption in the society that we live in.

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