Topic: Project Management The project presentation should demonstrate knowledge in the chosen area. The presentation should be formatted as follows: Apply a Design theme Use APA style correctly throug

Topic: Project ManagementThe project presentation should demonstrate knowledge in the chosen area. The presentation should be formatted as follows:Apply a Design themeUse APA style correctly throughout the presentationUse correct grammar and punctuationFormat correctly and consistentlyInclude a cover slide, introduction slide at the beginning of the presentation, a conclusion slide at the end of the presentation, and a reference slide using APA format at the end of the presentation.Number all slides beginning with the cover slide as page 1Utilize 10 references from scholarly sources…do NOT use Wikipedia or Patents (one source can be the textbook)Cite references within the presentation using correct APA formatInclude a minimum of 16 slides which will include the cover and reference slidesInclude at least one figure or one table in the presentation and format in APA styleHighlight your knowledge of technology by including transition and animation
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