Urban Social Problems And Urban Social Spaces

Urban Social Problems And Urban Social Spaces
Urban Social Problems And Urban Social Spaces
Orde 5467287
This assignment is concerned with urban social problems and urban social spaces. It is a two part assignment that will allow you to explore the causes and effects of poverty in North American cities a
This assignment is concerned with urban social problems and urban social spaces. It is a two part assignment that will allow you to explore the causes and effects of poverty in North American cities and to create a social geography of a community or city.
Part 1
Urban Social Problems And Urban Social Spaces
With reference to the concept of the “sociospatial dialectic,” write a short essay on the main causes and effects of poverty and homelessness in North American cities. (4 marks)
Briefly discuss how these problems might be solved in your essay. (1 mark)
In relation to Part 1 of Assignment

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