Week 3 dialogue | spmt 403 | Regent University

For this week’s group dialogue, please respond to the prompt stated below. A grading rubric for this assignment can be found in the “Grades and Progress” section of the main menu. Locate the assignment and click on “View Rubric.”
Approaches to budgeting vary from organization to organization.  Please pick one budgeting technique and discuss how that type of budgeting would be beneficial in a sports franchise that you might manage. (This will be  a portion of your final project.  So, discuss as if it is going into your major/final project.) 
To submit your post, you can either click on the link above to directly access the Group Page or on your Group link on the side menu. When you are on the Group Page, click on the group highlighted for you. Once inside, click on the Discussion Board option. Then, click on the dialogue link for that week. Click on Add Thread to create a space for your post. Click Submit to make your post available to the rest of the class. To respond to other students’ threads, click on Reply button in the bottom left corner inside of a message.

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