What does Heidegger seem to be saying about the nature of poetry?

Read  chapter 6 of Timothy Clark, Martin Heidegger (London: Routledge, 2nd edition, 2011, p.101-24), entitled “Heidegger and the Poetic.”   The chapter is available as an electronic edition that can be accessed at the following link (Links to an external site.). This selection will give you some sense of who Heidegger is and how he approaches the sense of the “poetic.”
1.What does Heidegger seem to be saying about the nature of poetry?  How do his theories illuminate the spiritual in poetry, particularly as it views poetry as “revelatory”?
2.Summarize Wallace Stevens’ views on the nature of poetry, as you understand them from THE NECESSARY ANGEL.  How does it relate, if in any manner, to Heidegger?
1.5 pages

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