Woh 3-4 page essay. | History homework help

World Civilization Essay.
3-4 pages.
WOH 2001
Assignment 2: Write a 3-4 pages essay with a THESIS STATEMENT and ARGUMENT in response to a direct question covering the topics of New Imperialism in the 19th century in Latin America.
Discussion question:  A persistent problem for the post independent nations in Latin America was the economic dependence from Europe and the United States. Explain why Latin American countries, after achieving independence, opted for a continuation of mineral and agricultural commodity exports.
Essay Instructions: Your TA and I are happy to talk with you about ideas, organization, and resources. Once you have a draft we are also happy to offer suggestions on how to make the paper stronger.  Also, the Center for Excellence in Writing is freely available to you. The staff can help you with all aspects of writing, from approaching the question and brainstorming to techniques for editing.
Their website is: http://writingcenter.fiu.edu/
1.     Concentrate on writing a good argument.  Write a thesis statement (central argument) in your introduction, develop your thesis and provide supporting details (evidence), and end with a closing paragraph.
2.     Follow Gordon Rule requirements for writing a college-level paper.
3.     Use Chicago Manuel of Style.
4.     Use Footnotes only.
5.     The essays should be typed and double-spaced.
6.     Cite all quotations and paraphrases. It is important for you to ground your argument in evidence from primary sources (letters, journals, newspapers and magazines) and secondary sources (books, biographies, histories). For a 3-4 pages essay no more than 3 citations otherwise the essay will become a compilation of ideas and opinions of other writers. Remember that the majority of your essay should consist of your own thoughts. 
7.     Use only academic sources for your footnotes and bibliography. In general, academic sources have the following characteristics: they are written by a specific author or authors.  In other words, scholarly sources specify who their authors are. They contain a title. They contain an extensive bibliography. They are published in peer-reviewed journals or by scholarly publishers. The textbook we are using in class is a good example of secondary academic source.
8.     Assignments will be submitted via turn-it-in on blackboard.
9.     Assignment 2 issued 02/28 Due 3/14.  
Chicago Manuel of Style videos and sample:

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