WOMEN book requiredMitchell, Penni (2015). About Canada: Women’s Rights. Fernwood Press: Canada.Paynter, Martha (2022) Abortion to abolition: Reproductive and justice inCanada. Fernwood Press.Argument Note (AN paper) must be 6 – 7.5 pages of writing, typed and double-spaced,in APA format. Handouts are posted online each term in the Course Announcements area.Read through the handouts carefully – they list all the requirements for your AN papersthis term.https://www.mediafire.com/file/gnc4n2hysoz6kls/AN1_example_answer_.docx/file Examplehttps://www.mediafire.com/file/qrrhb4or9ayw74a/AN1_example_question.pdf/file Examplehttps://www.mediafire.com/file/iwus3u0qm6cfk71/Question.pdf/file Question