Youth And Adult Criminal Justice System

For many youth in America it is expected that they will graduate high school and move on to higher education, likely at a traditional public four year institution.  According to the National Center for Education Statistics (2016)  website, of the 20.5 million students who attended college in the Fall of 2016, 14.9 million of them attended a public four year institution.  That is just under 75% of American college students.
For the general population of American youth who did not attend college after high school graduation, factors keeping them from going to college may be finances, support at home or school, access to important information or technology, or just the ability to be mobile.  Youth with criminal backgrounds have all of this to…show more content…
Not all schools have a spot on their application for declaring criminal history.  But Custer (2016) examines the new push for colleges to examine admission policies for individuals with a criminal record.  More and more colleges are feeling pressure to put these policies in place.  The article indicated that “campus safety” may be behind this reasoning, but there is no evidence available to indicate that these policies actually make a significant difference. He points out that these policies could actually stunt the process of an individual trying to break away from criminal patterns by hindering the ability to obtain further education.
Authors Halkovic

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